=====MQTT===== MQTT Broker: mosquitto Install: apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients or snap install mosquitto mosquitto-clients Commands: mosquitto_pub -h -t SENSOR3/+ -m '123' -d mosquitto -v -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf Trigger relay: mosquitto_pub -t /GPIO/2 -m 0 #on mosquitto_pub -t /GPIO/2 -m 1 #off Gosund (switch power1): mosquitto_pub -t /cmnd/Power1 -m OFF mosquitto_pub -t /cmnd/Power1 -m ON To send a message to a mqtt server: https://diy.waziup.io/sensors/publish_using_MQTT/publish_using_MQTT.html https://github.com/plapointe6/EspMQTTClient #authentication example! ====Interfaces==== Mosquitto listens on default on localhost ( If you want to make mosquitto listen on all interfaces, you have to edit /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf and add #individual listener 1883 allow_anonymous true Afterwards you have to restart mosquitto to make it active: systemctl restart mosquitto.service Check: netstat -an | grep 1883 tcp 0 0* LISTEN