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/var/log/messages (suse)       #befehl: "logger test.txt"
/var/log/syslog (ubuntu)       #befehl: "logger test.txt"
/proc/devices                  #shows devices
/proc/cpuinfo                  #shows cpu info
/proc/ioports                  #view the I/O ports on your server (adresses of various hardware devices)
/proc/interrupts               #view IRQ(hardware interrupt signal) assignments for linux systems
/proc/dma                      #view DMA channels
/proc/bus/pci/devices          #view the PCI (peripheral component interconnect) information on your linux system
/proc/scsi/scsi                #view a summary of SCSI interfaces

hwinfo                         #(or hwinfo --short or hwinfo --log writes info to a file)
hdparm                         #view info about hard drive 
hdparm -i /dev/hda             #optimize hd
fdisk                          #managing partions "fdisk -l" lists partition tables
iostat                         #displays CPU and input/output (I/O) statistics
lspci                          #displays information about PCIbuses (-v = verbose reports)
siga                           #gathering system information 
sitar                          #system infoprmaTion at runtime-reading /proc filesystem and write it to /tmp
uptime                         #shows system time-uptime-number of users on the system-average numberr of jobs
netstat                        #which networkports established which connections/ports
uname                          #show current kernel(and system info)

dmidecode                      #Show Systeminformation
dmidecode -t 17                #Show info about memory
who			         #shows currently logged in users (-r current runlevel, -a -H)
w			         #displays info about users currently on the machine and their processes
finger			 #shows info about local and remote system users
last			         #shows last logged in user(last -ax)
lastlog			 #formats and prints /var/log/lastlog)
faillog			 #formats and displays /var/log/faillog (failure counts and limits)
linux/systeminfo.1375279476.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/09 01:11 (external edit)
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