^ #A line beginns with $ #A line ends with \< #A word beginns with \> #A word ends with :set hlsearch #Highlight spaces % #Jump to closing bracket
D #Delete text from curser to end of the line A #Insert text at the end of the current line o #Change to insert mode (if not already in) and enter text in the following line u #Undo ctrl + r #Redo r #Replace single character R #Replace mode cw #Change single word (until space, character, special character etc.) c4w #Change 4 words ct" #Change all until tag " . #Repeat last command/ insert etc. :%d #Clear all lines
:%s/Novell/NOVELL/g #Replace all appearance :s/Novell/NOVELL/ #Replace single appearance of "Novell" :%s/ERROR/error/g :%s#/old/path/#/replace/new_path/# #Replace path :%s#/var/lib/named/#/var/lib/bind/# #Replace path :%s/\/old\/path/\/replace\/new_path/g #Replace path
:e #Reload file :e! #Reload file, changes are lost Shift + G #Jump to end of file 1 + G #Jump to beginning of file :se nu #Show line number :set number #Show line number :se nonu #Hide line numbers :set nonumber #Hide line numbers :5 #Jump to line 5 :set list #Show special caracters :w !sudo tee % #Save file with sudo rights :wq !sudo tee % #Save and quit file with sudo rights
If you can´t enter text with putty and right mouse click, set
set mouse-=a
in file
:set mouse=
inside VI.
Adapt to it - with mouse mode turned on, the new way to paste is