outlook.exe /manageprofiles
Start with “run”
services.msc #Service menu shell:startup #Windows-button + R -> enter "shell:startup" to open autostart menu msconfig #Configure services on startup, configure OS to boot mstsc #Open RDP (Remote Desktop Protokol) mstsc /console #If RDP has already established more than 2 sessions you can connect anyway mstsc /admin #If RDP has already established more than 2 sessions you can connect anyway (for WIN 7) gpedit.msc #User edit/ Group policy lusrmgr.msc #Add user certmgr.msc #Manage and edit certificates tscc.msc #Remote audio function on win 2003 server nbtstat #DNS diagnostic perfmon #Performance monitor netsh firewall show state #Check firewall status systeminfo #Uptime and generally systeminfo systeminfo |find "System Boot" #Show uptime NET VIEW \\ComputerName #To see a list of shares on a remote computer sfc /scannow #Check executables and related dll-versions and repair if required sfc /VERIFYONLY #Check executables and related dll-versions net use /delete \\IP\share net use /delete Z: net user accountname /DOMAIN #Check when password expires and more ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /flushdns
takeown.exe #Enables an administrator to recover access to a file that previously was denied, by making the administrator the owner of the file.
takeown [/s <Computer> [/u [<Domain>\]<User name> [/p [<Password>]]]] /f <File name> [/a] [/r [/d {Y|N}]]
taskkill /IM outlook.exe /f
Variable Typical value (May vary, depending on system):
%ALLUSERSPROFILE% C:\Documents and Settings\All Users %APPDATA% C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data %COMPUTERNAME% {computername} %COMSPEC% C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe %HOMEDRIVE% C: %HOMEPATH% \Documents and Settings\{username} %PATH% C:\Windows\System32\;C:\Windows\;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem %PATHEXT% .COM; .EXE; .BAT; .CMD; .VBS; .VBE; .JS ; .WSF; .WSH %PROGRAMFILES% Directory containing program files, usually C:\Program Files %PROMPT% Code for current command prompt format. Code is usually $P$G %SYSTEMDRIVE% The drive containing the Windows XP root directory, usually C: %SYSTEMROOT% The Windows XP root directory, usually C:\Windows %TEMP% and %TMP% C:\DOCUME~1\{username}\LOCALS~1\Temp %USERNAME% {username} %USERPROFILE% C:\Documents and Settings\{username} %WINDIR% C:\Windows Add PATH: set PATH=%PATH%;c:\PATH\YOU\WANT\TO\ADD
Force shutdown/ reboot after 2000 seconds:
ping -n 2000 > NUL 2>&1 && shutdown /h /f ping -n 2000 > NUL 2>&1 && shutdown /r /f
fixmbr ->reperaturkonsole xp mbr neu schreiben FIXMBR C: FIXBOOT C: COPY x:\I386\NTLDR C:\ COPY x:\I386\NTDETECT.COM C:\ ) arp /? arp -d //löscht temporäre host ip die zur mac adresse in verbindung steht netstat //shows listen networkports/ connections netstat -options | find "searchstring" ipconfig dir *.msc ->gibt alle msc befehle aus! tracert ->gibt die ganze route des netzverkehrs aus(einzelne pings) fix mbr: boot mit 98start: fdisk /mbr Start > Ausführen > "sfc /scannow" eingeben //überschreibt systemdateien wie svchost.exe in dllcache verzeichniss. winxp-cd wird benötigt. meldung für "cd einlegen" erscheint öfters..ist normal! Start > Ausführen > regedit Start > Ausführen > HKey local machine > software > microsoft > windows > current version > run laufwerk aus console mappen: net use y: \\\d$ y = gemapptes laufwerk(laufwerksbuchstabe darf nicht vergeben sein!!!) dann ganz normaler zugriff unmapping: net use y: /delete
@echo off echo "Trenne Netzlaufwerk" ping -n 5 net use y: /delete ping -n 5 echo "Verbinde Netzlaufwerk" net use y: \\IP_or_Hostname\share /user:username 12345 pause
echo msgbox"Shares verbunden!",0, "Erfolgreich!" > %tmp%\msg.vbs %tmp%\msg.vbs del %tmp%\msg.vbs
Ping gateway cmd:
@ECHO Off start cmd.exe /K "mode con:cols=50 lines=7 & ping -t"
Benutzer anlegen net user Benutzername Passwort /add wenn du z.B. den Benutzer "libe" mit Passwort "hallo" anlegen willst, sieht das folgendermassen aus: net user libe hallo /add Benutzer löschen net user Benutzername /delete wenn du z.B. den Benutzer "libe" löschen willst, sieht das folgendermassen aus: net user libe /delete VORSICHT: mit diesem Befehl werden der Benutzer bzw. seine Einstellungen unwiederuflich gelöscht! systeminfo ( in cmd eingeben ) gibt uptime und generelle systemeigenschaften aus explorer als admin ausführen: -->shift + rechte maustaste aud explorer icon, dann "run as" RUNAS (Windows 2000/XP) in CMD: Execute a program under a different user account. Syntax RUNAS [/profile] [/env] [/netonly] /user:user Program Key /profile Option to load the user's profile (registry) /env Use current environment instead of user's. /netonly Use if the credentials specified are for RAS only. /user Username in form USER@DOMAIN or DOMAIN\USER (USER@DOMAIN is not compatible with /netonly) Program The command to execute Examples: runas /profile /user:mymachine\administrator CMD runas /profile /env /user:SCOT_DOMAIN\administrator NOTEPAD runas /env /user:jDoe@swest.ss64.com "NOTEPAD \"my file.txt\""
Renewal Windows Activation:
cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm
Show licencing status
slmgr.vbs -dli winver.exe aus bcdedit /set testsigning off
netsh winhttp set proxy "IP_OR_DNS_NAME:PORT" bypass-list="10.0.0.*;*.local" #set systemwide proxy with exception "10.0.0.*" and "*.local" netsh winhttp import proxy source =ie #import system wide proxy from internet explorer netsh winhttp show proxy #check setup
Start Uninstallation within the path you get in regedit (regedit path below).
dir #show content of directory cd #change directory copy source target #copy rename source target #rename move source target #move del file #delete