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Linux-HA (heartbeat)

General Linux-HA


Resource configuration files:


Heartbeat Initscript:



crm_mon –i 2                                       #Overview Nodes/ Ressources with 2-sec-update
cibadmin -E --force                                #Delete the complete HA-Configuration (resources)
cibadmin -U -x /etc/ha.d/pen.xml                   #Update changes on HA-Config-File
crm_resource -r resourcename -M -H target_host     #Manual move of a resource
crm_resource -r resourcename -C -H target_host     #Delete status ob problems for a resource (unmanaged etc.)


crm_resource -r group_apache2 -M -H node1          #Move resource "group_apache2" to Node "node1"

To stop a resource temporary via cmd:

crm_resource --meta -r <resourcename> -p target_role -v stopped

To start a resource if heartbeat is running:

crm_resource --meta -r <resourcename> -p target_role -v started
crm_resource --meta -r squid -p target_role -v started

To stop an unmanaged ressource/ clear ressource status:

crm_resource -r <resourcename> -C -H node

To delete a running ressource permanentely:

cibadmin -D -X '<primitive id="lbppdf_21"/>'
cibadmin -D -X '<group id="lbppdf-cluster"/>'

Example Heartbeat-Config-File (ha.cf)

Heartbeat configuration: /etc/ha.d/ha.cf

udpport 694
auto_failback on
keepalive 2
deadtime 30
warntime 10
#deadping 20
use_logd yes
#autojoin any
autojoin none
crm true
ucast eth1
ucast eth1
#ucast eth0
#ucast eth0
node nodename1
node nodename2
respawn root /usr/lib64/heartbeat/pingd -m 100 -d 5s -a pingd
apiauth ping gid=root uid=root

Example Config-File (*.xml)

                	<group id="lb1-cluster">
                        	<primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2" id="ip1">
                                	<instance_attributes id="ia-ip1">
                                                  	<nvpair id="ia-ip1-1" name="ip" value=""/>
                                               		<nvpair id="ia-ip1-2" name="cidr_netmask" value="24"/>
                                                	<nvpair id="ia-ip1-3" name="nic" value="eth0"/>
                                        	<op id="ip1-monitor" name="monitor" interval="15s" timeout="60s" start_delay="30s"/>

                        	<primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="pen_cas1_443" id="lb1_443">
                                        	<op name="monitor" interval="15s" timeout="60s" start_delay="1m" id="lb1_443-monitor"/>

                                <primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="pen_cas1_80" id="lb1_80">
                                                <op name="monitor" interval="15s" timeout="60s" start_delay="1m" id="lb1_80-monitor"/>


                        <group id="lb2-cluster">
                                <primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2" id="ip2">
                                        <instance_attributes id="ia-ip2">
                                                        <nvpair id="ia-ip2-1" name="ip" value=""/>
                                                        <nvpair id="ia-ip2-2" name="cidr_netmask" value="24"/>
                                                        <nvpair id="ia-ip2-3" name="nic" value="eth0"/>
                                                <op id="ip2-monitor" name="monitor" interval="15s" timeout="60s" start_delay="30s"/>

                                <primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="pen_cas2_443" id="lb2_443">
                                                <op name="monitor" interval="15s" timeout="60s" start_delay="1m" id="lb2_443-monitor"/>

                                <primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="pen_cas2_80" id="lb2_80">
                                                <op name="monitor" interval="15s" timeout="60s" start_delay="1m" id="lb2_80-monitor"/>


                        <group id="lb3-cluster">
                                <primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr2" id="ip3">
                                        <instance_attributes id="ia-ip3">
                                                        <nvpair id="ia-ip3-1" name="ip" value=""/>
                                                        <nvpair id="ia-ip3-2" name="cidr_netmask" value="24"/>
                                                        <nvpair id="ia-ip3-3" name="nic" value="eth0"/>
                                                <op id="ip3-monitor" name="monitor" interval="15s" timeout="60s" start_delay="30s"/>

                                <primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="pen_cas3_443" id="lb3_443">
                                                <op name="monitor" interval="15s" timeout="60s" start_delay="1m" id="lb3_443-monitor"/>

                                <primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="pen_cas3_80" id="lb3_80">
                                                <op name="monitor" interval="15s" timeout="60s" start_delay="1m" id="lb3_80-monitor"/>



		<rsc_location id="run_ip1" rsc="lb1-cluster">
    		<rule id="pref_run_ip1" score="100">
        		<expression attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="host_1"/>

                <rsc_location id="run_ip2" rsc="lb2-cluster">
                <rule id="pref_run_ip2" score="100">
                        <expression attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="host_2"/>

                <rsc_location id="run_ip3" rsc="lb3-cluster">
                <rule id="pref_run_ip3" score="100">
                        <expression attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="host_1"/>



Example "Tomcat"

Example heartbeat (ocf) configuration for tomcat:


heartbeat/heartbeat.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/02 14:13 by tmade
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